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Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to Lung Infection

Ineffective breathing pattern related to Lung Infection

Cough (both productive and non productive) nasal output, shortness of breath, tachipnea, limited breath sounds, retractions, fever, diaporesis, ronchii, cyanosis, leukocytosis.

Goal :
Children will experience an effective breathing pattern characterized by:
  • Lung breath sounds clear and equal on both sides
  • Body temperature in the range 36.5 to 37.2 OC
  • The rate of breathing in the normal range
  • There is no coughing, cyanosis, nasal output, retraction and diaporesis

Ineffective Breathing Pattern and Rational Interventions:

Perform assessments every 4 hours of respiratory rate, temperature, and the signs of the effectiveness of the airway.
R: Evaluation and re-assessment of the actions that will be / has been given.

Perform chest physiotherapy on a scheduled basis.
R: Removing the secretion of the airway, preventing obstruction

Give Oxygen moist, review the effectiveness of therapy.
R: Increased lung tissue oxygen supply

Give appropriate antibiotics and antipyretics order, assess the effectiveness and side effects (rash, diarrhea).
R: Eradication of bacteria as a factor of disturbance causa

Do check photo thoracic.
R: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the circulation of oxygen, the evaluation of lung tissue conditions

Perform suction gradually.
R: Helping airway clearance

Record the results of pulse oximeter when installed, every 2-4 hours.
R: Periodic evaluation of therapeutic efficacy / health team action.