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Postpartum Nursing Diagnosis

Post partum is a time of childbirth began after parturition is completed, and ended after approximately 6 weeks, but all new genital recovered as before pregnancy within 3 months.

Labor and vaginal birth is the process of spending that occurs in the fetus full term pregnancy (37 to 42 weeks), born spontaneously with a presentation that goes behind your head in 18 hours, without complications in both mother and fetus
(Sarwono, 2002).

Postpartum Nursing Diagnosis

According Doengoes, Marlinn E. 2001
  • Acute pain related to episiotomy, pain after childbirth
  • Lactation disorders related to the level of maternal knowledge and previous experience
  • Risk for infection related to tissue trauma
  • Risk for injury related to the biochemical, regulatory functions (eg: orthostatic hypotension, and eclampsia)
  • Changes in urinary elimination related to the effects of hormonal
  • High risk of lack of fluid volume associated
  • with excessive fluid loss
  • Risk for deficient fluid volume related to inaccuracies fluid replacement
  • Constipation related to decreased muscle tone
  • Risk for ineffective individual coping related to lack of effectiveness of support systems
  • Disturbed sleep pattern related to hormonal response and
  • psychological; pain / discomfort
  • Changes in family bonding process related to the transition / increase in the development of family members