- How long patients have trouble breathing?
- Does the activity increase of dyspnea? What type of activity?
- How far are limitations on the patient's activity tolerance?
- During the daytime when most patients complain of fatigue and shortness of breath?
- Is eating and sleeping habits are affected?
- What do patients know about diseases and conditions?
- Additional data were collected through observation and examination; questions that should be considered to obtain further data including:
- What is the pulse rate and respiratory patients?
- Is the same breathing and without effort?
- Does the patient constricts the abdominal muscles during inspiration?
- Is the patient using accessory respiratory muscles during breathing?
- Does seem cyanosis?
- Does the patient appear enlarged neck veins?
- Does the patient have peripheral edema?
- Is the patient coughing?
- What color, amount and consistency of sputum of patients?
- How is the status of the patient sensorium?
- Is there an increase in stupor? Anxiety?
Nursing Assessment for Bronchitis
Nursing Assessment for Bronchitis
Assessment involves gathering information about the symptoms of the disease manifestations also earlier. Here is a list of questions that can be used as a guide to obtain a clear medical history of the disease process: