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Causes of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Causes of Hyperemesis gravidarum is not known with certainty. Anatomic changes in the brain, heart, liver and nervous system caused by a deficiency of vitamins and other substances.

Several predisposing factors and other factors were found:
  • Predisposing factor that is often put forward is primigravidae, hydatidiform mole and multiple pregnancy. High frequency in hydatidiform mole and multiple pregnancy suggests that hormonal factors play a role, since in both these circumstances the hormone chorionic gonadotropin formed redundant.
  • The entry khorialis villi in the maternal circulation and metabolic changes due to pregnancy and a decreased resistance of the maternal Cosmos, this change is an organic factor.
  • Allergy. As one of the tissue response to the child's mother, also named as one of the organic factors.
  • Psychological factors play an important role in this disease, although its relationship with the occurrence of hyperemesis gravidarum is not known with certainty. Households that cracking, loss of job, fear of pregnancy and childbirth, fear of responsibility as a mother, can cause mental conflict that can aggravate nausea and vomiting as an unconscious expression of reluctance to become pregnant or as an escape because of hardships of life. Not uncommon to provide a new atmosphere has been able to help clients reduce the frequency of vomiting.