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Signs and Symptoms of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Signs and Symptoms of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Hyperemesis gravidarum, according to the severity of symptoms can be divided into 3 (three) levels, namely:

Level I:
Vomiting continuously affecting the general state of the patient, the mother feels weak, no appetite, weight loss and epigastric pain. Pulse increased about 100 times per minute, systolic blood pressure decreased, decreased skin turgor, dry tongue and sunken eyes.

Level II:
Patients appear more weak and apathetic, reduced skin turgor, dry tongue and look dirty, small and rapid pulse, temperature sometimes goes up and the eyes a little jaundice. Weight loss and the eyes become sunken, low blood pressure, hemoconcentration, oliguri and constipation.
Acetone can be smelled in the air breathing, because it has a distinctive aroma and can also be found in the urine.

Level III:
General situation worse, stop vomiting, decreased consciousness and somnolence to coma, small and rapid pulse, body temperature increases and decreases tension. Fatal complications can occur in the nervous system known as Wemicke encephalopathy, with symptoms: nistagtnus and diplopia. This situation is due to severe shortage of nutrients, including vitamin B complex. Onset of jaundice is a sign of liver trouble.