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Nausea and Vomiting - Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is excessive nausea and vomiting that disrupted their daily work and the general state of being bad mothers.

Hyperemesis gravidarum is vomiting that occurs until the age of 20 weeks, so phenomenal that all that is eaten and drunk, spewed thus affecting the general condition and daily work, weight loss, dehydration, there was acetone in the urine, not because of diseases such as appendicitis, Pielitis and so on.

In the book obstetric pathology (1982) Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a situation where a pregnant woman is spewing all that is in the eating and drinking, so his weight is down, less skin turgor, diuresis occur less and acetone in urine.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a condition in pregnant women is characterized by excessive vomiting (severe vomiting) and continued in the fifth week until the twelfth week.